What is E-A-T? Why Does It Matter to Google?
Even if you’ve never heard of E-A-T before, you are definitely familiar with it. Although the notion dates back to around 2014, it has steadily become one of the most crucial aspects of a search friendly website.
What is E-A-T?
The letters E-A-T represent three things: Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. Search Quality Rater Guidelines—a 168-page document used by human quality raters to evaluate the quality of Google’s search results—is the source of this.
To “assist webmasters understand what Google searches for in a web page,” Google released this paper on its website in 2013.
If you’ve got a lot of experience, you’re considered an expert. The focus is on the written content, not the website or the company as a whole. Content, one of the most important SEO strategies, which is written by a subject-matter expert, is what Google is searching for.
YMYL content creators are judged on their formal competence, credentials and education in a variety of ways. Personal financial experts are more suited to discuss tax preparation than those who have just read a few posts on the subreddit.
You must show that you have “everyday knowledge” and relevant life experience while discussing non-YMYL issues.
In order to have authority, one must have a good name in the sector, especially among other specialists and decision-makers. In a nutshell, authority is when people see a person or a website as the best source of knowledge on a certain subject.
Raters use the internet to gather information about a website’s or individual’s reputation. A website’s reputation may be discovered by doing reputation research. It’s a good idea to check out other people’s experiences with the website and see if they have good things to say.
The validity, openness and correctness of a website and its content are all important components of building trust. The trustworthiness of a website is determined by a variety of factors, including whether or not the website says who is accountable for the material that is published. This is crucial for YMYL inquiries, but it also applies to those that aren’t.
If you’re looking for a high level of trust, you need to know who is accountable for the material on a YMYL web page. For YMYL themes and online retailers, having enough contact information is essential.
Why Is E-A-T So Important for Your Web Pages?
All questions benefit from E-A-T, although some are more imperative than others. The E-A-T suffix isn’t really important if you’re simply looking for photographs of attractive cats. It’s not a huge problem if you don’t believe a cat is attractive, since the topic is subjective.
The E-A-T test is unquestionably crucial if you’re looking for the right aspirin dose while pregnant. Content on this subject produced by a naive author and published on an untrustworthy website without authority is likely to be false or misleading if it appears in Google’s search results. That’s more than simply an inconvenience; it’s possibly life-threatening, given the nature of the information requested.
To answer questions like “how to raise my credit score,” E-A-T is apparent. In this situation, counsel from the uninformed and incompetent should not be heeded.
If you’re running a YMYL site, SEO experts suggest that it’s imperative to show E-A-T.
Is E-A-T a Ranking Factor?
A “ranking factor” needs to be something that a computer can comprehend and analyze. The quantity of backlinks pointing to a page is perhaps the most visible illustration of this.
Google knows how many backlinks lead to the most popular sites, since they trawl the web extensively. Creating a computer software that ranks the most relevant backlinks is a cinch for them.
Expertise, authority and trustworthiness are desirable characteristics of content, yet they are ultimately human ideas. You can’t instruct a computer to give preference to pages that begin with the letters E-A-T since computers only comprehend binary data, not the English language.
Here’s how Google came up with this solution:
- Initially, their search engineers focus on algorithm modifications that might boost search results.
- Search results are also shown to Quality Raters in both the proposed and unimplemented versions. Their role is to submit input to Google, and they aren’t informed which set of results is the correct one to give them credit for.
- A third factor that Google considers is how much of a positive or negative effect the proposed change has on search results. It is applied if the findings are in a positive direction.
Engineers at Google are able to use this approach to identify and alter the ranking algorithms to correspond with E-A-T.
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